Beerfest 2022

Beerfest 2022 is planned for Sunday Feb 27 at Hard Road Brewery in Bayswater!
Entries Close: 12th February 2022
Entry Instructions:
Register your entries online at
Affix the label you are given after payment to the flat side of your bottle (covering the entire label with clear tape)
Deliver your bottle to your nearest drop off point.
Drop-off Details
Entries may be delivered to the following participating Victorian Home Brew Shops:
Grain & Grape, 5/280 Whitehall St., Yarraville 3013
Greensborough Home Brewing Supplies, 29 Beewar St. Greensborough 3088
The Brewer’s Den, 253 Dorset Road Boronia 3155
Keg King, Warehouse 48 Smith Rd, Springvale VIC 3171
Home Make It. 265 Spring St, Reservoir VIC 3073
Postal entries are to be sent to The Brewers Den
Entry restrictions
Entry restrictions
Two Entries are permitted per Prize category, one entry per style. Entries must be at least 500ml and in a single bottle, multi bottle will be disqualified from judging.
Prize Categories
1. American Pale Ale
- American Pale Ale
2. Pale and Bitter Ale
- Kölsch
- Australian Sparkling Ale
- Cream Ale
- Blonde Ale
- Ordinary Bitter
- Best Bitter
- Strong Bitter
3. Wheat & Rye Ale
- Weissbier
- Witbier
- Dunkles Weissbier
- Roggenbier
- American Wheat Beer
- Weizenbock
- Wheatwine
4. Brown Ale
- Dark Mild
- Scottish Heavy
- Scottish Export
- Irish Red Ale
- Australian Dark/Old Ale [AABC]
- British Strong Ale
- English Brown Ale
- American Brown Ale
5. Strong Ale and Lager
- Wee Heavy
- Doppelbock
- Eisbock
- Old Ale
- English Barleywine
- American Barleywine
- Imperial Stout
6. Sour and Wild Ales
- Berliner Weisse
- Gose
- Flanders Red Ale
- Lambic
- Gueuze
- Oud Bruin
- Brett Beer
- Fruit Lambic
- Mixed‐Fermentation Sour
- Wild Specialty Beer
7. Specialty Beer
- Fruit Beer
- Spice, Herb, Vegetable Beer
- Winter Seasonal Beer
- Rauchbier
- Classic Style Smoked Beer
- Specialty Smoked Beer
- Wood‐Aged Beer
- Specialty Wood‐Aged Beer
- Experimental Beer