Melbourne Brewers 50th

This year marks 50 years of homebrewing in Victoria and 50 Years of the Melbourne Brewers!

Melbourne Brewers History

To Celebrate we are having a party on Saturday, November 12 at Hard Road Brewing

31 Holloway Dr, Bayswater VIC 12-5 pm (Food from 2pm-4pm)

Current and Past Melbourne Brewers, Brewers from other clubs and family and friends are invited to attend! Come on out and help us celebrate.

There will be a $25 fee to cover the cost of food, but we have a great lineup of beers provided by our members. And some fantastic raffle prizes.

Catering will be provided by Digging For Fire BBQ


14 Hr Cape Grim Beef Brisket
Apple Cider Slaw, Pickles, Mustard Potato Salad

Please Prepay below before Friday, November 4th

Melbourne Brewers 50th Ticket

or pay via Bank Transfer
The Melbourne Brewers (Westpac)

BSB:033-337 Account number: 182592