Beerfest 2025

Beerfest 2025 


Entries Close: Online Registrations close on 7th February 2025, but bottles can be dropped off until Saturday 15th Feb Entry Instructions:

  • Register your entries online at
  • Affix the label to the side of your bottle (covering the entire label with clear tape).
  • Deliver your bottle to your nearest drop-off point by 15th February 2025.

Entry Restrictions: Two Entries are permitted per Prize category, one entry per style. Entries must be at least 500ml.

Prize Categories

1) American Ales
  • American Pale Ale [BJCP 18B]
  • American Amber Ale [BJCP 19A]
  • American Brown Ale [BJCP 19C]
  • America Strong Ale [BJCP 22B]
2) British Ales
  • Ordinary Bitter [BJCP 11A]
  • Best Bitter [BJCP 11B]
  • Strong Bitter [BJCP 11]
  • Dark Mild [BJCP 13A]
  • British Brown Ale [BJCP 13B]
  • Scottish Light [BJCP 14A]
  • Scottish Heavy [BJCP 14B]
  • Scottish Export  [BJCP 14C
3) Belgian Ales
  • Belgian Single [BJCP 26A]
  • Belgian Dubbel [BJCP 26B]
  • Belgian Tripel [BJCP 26C]
  • Belgian Dark Strong Ale [BJCP 26D]
  • Lambic [BJCP 23D]
  • Gueuze [BJCP 23E]
  • Fruit Lambic [BJCP 23F]
  • Flanders Red Ale [BJCP 23B]
  • Oud Bruin [BJCP 23C]
  • Brett Beer [BJCP 28A]
  • Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer [BJCP 28B]
  • Wild Specialty Beer [BJCP 28C]
  • Fruit Beer [BJCP 29A]
  • Fruit and Spice Beer [BJCP 29B]
  • Specialty Fruit Beer [BJCP 29C]
  • Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer [BJCP 30A]
  • Autumn Seasonal Beer [BJCP 30B]
  • Winter Seasonal Beer [BJCP 30C]
  • Specialty Spice Beer [BJCP 30D]
  • Classic Style Smoked Beer [BJCP 32A]
  • Specialty Smoked Beer [BJCP 32B]
  • Wood-Aged Beer [BJCP 33A]
  • Specialty Wood-Aged Beer [BJCP 33B]

7) Voyager Craft Malt Challenge
Brewers will all brew a beer with the same base malt but can do anything they want. The entries will be judged head to head over several rounds to determine whose beer is best. Beers will not be judged according to BJCP styles; instead, a panel of judges will vote on their favourites in each round until an ultimate champion is found.

How do I enter?

1) Register your entry on the website -

(There will be a limit of 32 entries for this part of the competition)

2) Pick up your Grain -

Grain can be picked up after 9 November.  This is some very fresh malt. Voyager is hand-delivering it for completion. We will contact you after you register to organise a pickup time, but if you do not hear from us, please email

The pickup location is in Heathmont, but if you are part of a Victoria homebrew club, we can arrange to drop off a club supply at a nominated location.

3) Brew something.

You can brew anything you want with this malt. Seriously anything. You will probably do better with a beer that highlights the malt, but what you brew is up to you. Hops, yeast, Specialty malts, adjuncts, It’s all up to you, You will need to provide two bottles for the competition, but the rest will be yours. Judging will happen in a head-to-head knockout competition, the same as the last several years.

What is undermodified pils?

Description form Voyagers beersmith bmxs file

Delight in the rich history of brewing with our Traditional Under-Modified Pilsner Malt, a product that harks back to the golden era of brewing excellence, proudly holding the legacy of generations of maltsters who mastered the art of producing exceptional malt for the perfect Pilsner.

Crafted with precision and care, this malt exemplifies the cherished traditions of generations past, ensuring your brews are infused with a touch of nostalgia and an authentic taste that aficionados have cherished for centuries.

This malt is meticulously produced using carefully selected, premium-quality new world Riverina grown barley, ensuring a consistent and reliable brewing process. Its under-modification retains a greater portion of the grains original enzymes, and protein assisting enhanced mouthfeel, body and assisting with head retention and haze stability.

Complex yet delicate flavor profile. This malt delivers a light, honey-like sweetness that blends seamlessly with subtle biscuity undertones, culminating in a crisp and clean finish that is the hallmark of a true Pilsner.